Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Became Film Script Writer(Part-2)

How to Write Script in English

Welcome to the Film Script Writer Part-2 I told you about the indoor location in the last blog.  Today we are  going to  tell  you   about the outdoor  location.   As you   know indoor  means  inside and outdoor means outside, any movie is shoot at these two locations.

2. Outdoor Shooting

Outdoor shooting means that outside the Room, Building, Hall or Mall, whatever location we select and shot, all are called outdoor shooting. As you can see in the picture below. Where you are watching is being shot in a meadow. Where there is some pile of some straw and the artist is sitting in front of him and the Cameraman is taking shot it.

Outdoor Shooting

The cost of film increases in outdoor shooting as it has to move the entire film unit to that location, in which the cost of location charge, permission of location, man power, security, travel of living food, etc. increases. The right and successful writer is the one who makes the entire film ready, at least in the outdoor location. Also, let the producer shoot the movie at a minimum cost. The responsibility of this also depends on the director, who adjusts the location according to the requirement. Rest work is also depends on editing. In this way, the film is shot at both these locations. No matter how big the film is, the film is shot at both these locations.

Note: In the next blog, we will tell you about some shots, so you are requested to give our blog and share it to more and more friends.

Became Film Script Writer (Part-1)

 How to write script in English

Friends, today we are going to tell you about how the script is written in English. For this we need to have some basic knowledge of the film. You must have seen a lot of films, but have you ever thought how the script of the film is written. First of all, let us tell you some basic tips.

The film is shot at only two locations: -

1. Indoor location or indoor shooting

2. Outdoor location or outdoor shooting

1. Indoor Shooting:-

Indoor means inside the room, inside the hall or inside a building or inside the mall, this type of shooting is most in serial or films. You must have seen a lot of serials on TV. More level serial shoots are done in the indoor, in which different sets are prepared at the same location, which change according to the time, but you think that this is a sign of another place. But it is all set differently prepared at the same location. The shops are also changed according to the location, so it seems that we have come somewhere else but we stay in the same place and prepare different sets and all this work belongs to the set designer. They have a team whose job is to create a set and then break the set to create new sets. If one or two laborers do this work, then it will take a lot of time to make a set, but due to teamwork, the work of hours is ready in minutes. The best film script writer is said to be the one who extracts the most sin at the least location, which reduces the cost to the producer and makes the entire film in the least cost.

Indoor Shooting

Indoor Shooting

As seen from the above scene, both of them are from indoor shooting. The script is written keeping all these things in mind. The right and successful script writer is the one who writes the script after taking care of the producer's pocket so that film making costs the least.

Note: In the next blog, we will tell you about outdoor shooting, so no one should miss this blog of yours and share it to more and more people so that we will keep giving you information related to films.

फिल्म स्क्रिप्ट राइटर बने (Part-2)

 हिंदी में स्क्रिप्ट कैसे लिखें 

फिल्म स्क्रिप्ट राइटर Part-2 में आपका स्वागत है मैंने पिछले ब्लॉग में  आपको इंडोर लोकेशन के बारे में बताया था. आज हम आपको आउटडोर लोकेशन के बारे में बताने जा रहें हैं. जैसा की आपको पता है इंडोर का मतलब होता है अन्दर का और आउटडोर मतलब बहार का इन्हीं दो लोकेशन पर किसी भी मूवी की शूटिंग होती है.

2. आउटडोर शूटिंग 

आउटडोर शूटिंग का मतलब होता है कमरे, माकन हॉल या मॉल से बहार जाकर जो भी लोकेशन हम सेलेक्ट करके शूट करतें हैं सब आउटडोर शूटिंग कहलाता है . जैसा की आप निचे वाले पिक्चर में देख रहे हैं. जहाँ आप देख रहे हैं की एक घास के मैदान में शूट हो रहा है. जहाँ कुछ पुआल का कुछ ढेर लगा हुआ है और कलाकार उसके सामने बैठा हुआ है और कमरा मन उसे शूट कर रहा है.

Outdoor Shooting

आउटडोर शूटिंग में फिल्म की लगत बढ़ जाती है क्योंकिं इसमें पूरी फिल्म यूनिट को उस लोकेशन तक मूव करना पड़ता है इसमें लोकेशन चार्ज, परमिशन ऑफ़ लोकेशन, मैन पॉवर, सिक्यूरिटी, रहने का खाने का ट्रवेल  आदि का कोस्ट बढ़ जाता है. सही और सफल राइटर वही होता है जो कम से कम आउटडोर लोकेशन में पूरी फिल्म तैयार करबा दे. साथ ही साथ प्रोडूसर को कम से कम खर्चा पर मूवी शूट करबा दे. इस बात की जिम्मेवारी डायरेक्टर पर भी निर्भर करता है जो आवश्यकता अनुसार लोकेशन को एडजस्ट कर लेता है. बांकी का काम एडिटिंग पर भी होता है. इस तरह से इन दोनों लोकेशन पर फिल्म की शूटिंग होती है. चाहें कितनी ही बड़ी फिल्म क्यों न हो इन्ही दोनों लोकेशन पर फिल्म की शूटिंग होती है. 

नोटे: अगले ब्लॉग में हम आपको कुछ शॉट्स के बारे में बताएँगे इसलिए आप से अनुरोध है की आप हमारे ब्लॉग को अवश्य देधें और ज्यादा से ज्यादा दोस्तों तक शेयर करें. 

How to Learn Hindi

 Lesson-1 Today we are going tell about how to learn hindi who don't know to read and  write Hindi. You know vey well there are 26 lette...